Category Archives: Wildflowers

Wildflower Fest – Hepatica

While pleased to find the early blooming Bloodroot from yesterday’s post, I was quite excited to find these Hepatica growing close by. I was prostate, head down hill on this good earth when I found them to get my shots. I couple of other hikers passed me by while in this earth bound position and told me they were quite relieved to see me move and stand up. This all ended up in a little mother earth nature lesson. Amazing to me how people just pass on by never seeing what is really on this earth along the trail.

I do wonder if they would have left me if I really wasn’t moving?

Hepatica is named for the 3 lobed (like our liver) basil leaf which I do not show. Lying down hill has some mobility limits.

Earth is this week’s WordPress Photo Challenge of the week. Check out the other entries.

Wildflower Fest – Dutchmen’s Breeches

We don’t call them breeches anymore. I haven’t heard the term britches since I was a child, yet this archaic us of the old Dutch men’s leggings captures the caricature well. These pants hung out to dry on the line with their deep feathery green foliage are a bit of early spring whimsy.

Wildflower Fest – Surprise

Trout Lillies are always a pleasant surprise. They come and go so quickly. There is an added surprise to if you wish to spot it. The flower takes its common name from its spotted leaves like a speckled trout, not from its yellow flower. Justice for the trout, but maybe not so fair for the Lilly.

WPC – Surprise. Everyone likes a pleasant surprise, check them out.

Wildflower Fest – Spring Beauties

Spring Beauties form a forest floor carpet that invites spring into the woodlands. I’ve never been able to adequately capture the carpet effect, but I do hope you enjoy the delicate white-pinks of these close ups.

A click on the image brings out the full view.

Wildflower Fest – Toothwort

Next in order for my wildflower-fest is the Toothwort. Named for its leaves perhaps. The first flowers to poke up through the leaf litter I consider to the delicates, small in stature, tender growth and fragile light flowers.