Monthly Archives: July 2017

Competition – Southern Spreadwing

Competition - Southern Spreadwing

Southern Spreadwings in Competition

The mating process of Damselflies and Dragonflies is fascinating theater if you pause to just watch for awhile. It also varies from specie to specie and can be quite violent. I’ll leave any explanations to the experts. This pair is about to be broken up, but eventually the female will oviposit into the lush vegetation available.

I’ve only seen this damselfly in the warmth of the harsh light of mid-day sun. Its been a challenge to me to get theĀ  photo right. There’s plenty of room for improvement, but I’ve learned a lot more about Lightroom photo processing!

This weeks Friday Friends.

Friday Collage

With a rather unique toadstool in the mix, Friday Friends and Flora becomes Friday Fungus too this week. The Purple Toadstool popped up at one of my favorite dragonfly spots at the Norma Johnson Center wetlands. It made me look twice. I was hoping for colorful dragonflies, but not expecting such a colorful fungus to be found. Its been a soggy week – Toadstool weather – I should have known.

I’ve joined in with the WordPress Weekly Photo Challenge this week. Check out the otherĀ  unique photo Collages.

Summer Reds

Scattered in the green of summer, remarkable reds please the eye. I hunted for the Canadian Lilly this week along wetland and creek banks. Hiding in the shade, I found several wisely seeking shady ground. I gathered a few other summer reds in the hunt. Bee Balm is self interpreting I suppose. A red squirrel gave a rare pose and the Ruby Meadowhawk dragonflies greeted me by the parking lot, loving summer’s heat.

Friday Friends and Floral Friday