Tag Archives: Nikon D5200

Upon a Deeper Look, What Do You See?



Shot RAW, ISO 100, 1/8 sec at f11, 135mm, lightly processed in Lr.



Shot RAW, ISO 100, 1/1250 sec at f7.1,68mm. Lightly processed on Lr.

Nikon D5200 Bright sun, Mid-afternoon.

Macro – Moments Week 15


Last of the Dragonflies

While hiking Sunday, I came onto this Band-Winged Meadowhawk. A warm fall has extended its season. Some dragonflies will warm up and survive into November , even December. It chose this Dogwood as its post – a most convenient camo spot.

Nikon D5200, 300mm at 5′, 125s, f/10, ISO 200

For Week 15  of Musin’ with Susan’s Macro moments

Macro Moments Challenge : Week 14

A Handsome Devil


I’ve not done a weekly photo challenge in a while and thought these pics I took at a trails end might fit nicely with The Weekly Macro Photo Challenge: Week 14. Left to itself this wasp is quite docile and useful. Aggravate it and you’ll pay.

Nikon D5200, Focal Length 220mm, 1/250s, f5,3, ISO 640. Overcast

Springs First Wildflower

Skunk Cabbage Flower


Skunk Cabbage Flower 

Skunk Cabbage reigns as springs first wildflower, although it usually can be found by the end of February. While some look to the harbinger of spring in the Red Winged Blackbird, I choose to search out the first Skunk Cabbage flower. It comes first – or brings hope earlier.

It grows in wetlands requiring dedicated effort to seek it out off the trail. It took me til this past weekend to seek it this year, but the satisfaction of muddy boots, dirty knees and fresh air for this capture ruled my  morning.

Skunk Cabbage is unique, forging its way into the world producing its own heat to melt late winter and early spring snows. The flower is undramatic, yet beautiful in its simple if rugged symmetry.  Its one big drawback…it stinks, like a skunk.

Given the conditions, I captured this shot at 55mm with a 20mm extension. I used the ISO auto setting at f6.3, aperture priority.

I’ll share some more of its captivating character later in the week.